Monday, September 12, 2011

Isaac's Bubbe has been doing some "spring cleaning."  We reaped the benefit of some of the treasures she found.  Isaac has been asking to make projects. This was the project that we were working on this evening.  He wanted to make me a fish...the fish in the left I made, everything else was Isaac's handy work.  I am a huge advocate of art as a process vs putting an emphasis on the product.  I like leave toddler-friendly art supplies accessible to Isaac, thank you Bubbe for adding to our stash of art supplies!!!
On Sunday, Adam, the boys, Bubbe, and I attended the Carrot Festival at a local temple.  Isaac got to ride a horse...a dream , he was SO happy!!!
He also spent a good amount of time in the bounce house.  Bouncing was the theme of the weekend.  He spent the better part of the afternoon/evening on Saturday in a bounce that was at his friends birthday party.
I found this pasta while grocery shopping today...I am excited to give it a try!

1 comment:

Laura Ellen said...

where did you find that pasta?