Monday, July 11, 2011

Blueberries, dirt, rocks, picincs, family, running, fresh air...a perfect Sunday!

We woke up Sunday morning to perfect weather and nothing needing to be done, so we packed a cooler, packed the kids (and cousin Taylor), jumped in the van and headed out for a cute little farm that has become favorite spot of our family over the past few years. There were fields of "pick your own" blueberries. Last year when we picked apples. Isaac was quick to bore of the activity, but he didn't want to stop picking blueberries. He knew to pick the blue ones, not the purple or the green. Sometimes he "accidentally" picked the green ones and had to throw them to the birds. After berry picking, we spread out a blanket for lunch. While we relaxed under the shade of a tree, Isaac ran around, played in the dirt, threw rocks in a know little boy things. It was a lovely day!!!