Friday, January 7, 2011

He is here...finally here...Elliott Hawkins Zima. I know they say that lightening doesn't strike twice in the same place, but on December 30th, 2010,k we got a second, perfectly wonderful, little boy!!! Elliott needed a little nudge to come join the family. I was admitted to the hospital Wednesday evening for an induction, but by Thursday morning I was contracting on my own, so instead of pitocin I went straight for an epidural. THANK GOD FOR EPIDURALS!!! I started pushing at 12:15pm and Elliott was born at 12:36pm. He weighed 9lbs 11oz. The resemblance between Isaac and Elliott is amazing...we will have to make sure all photos get labeled so we will know who is who in a few years.

Since he was born two years ago, Isaac and I have never really been separated. I was slightly anxious about my stay in the hospital. Thanks to our family, Isaac did awesome...I am sure he didn't miss us one single bit while we were gone.

After a few days in the hospital we were more than ready to get home!!! Isaac is doing wonderfully with the baby, he wants to include him in everything from playing catch, sharing Popsicle and night time is very sweet to see them together! Elliott is thriving. He nurses like a champ, at a week he is an oz away from being back to his birth weight. When he isn't eating, he is sleeping.

I am on the road to recovery as well. I, unfortunately, got a spinal headache after having the epidural. The only thing that really helped with the throbbing was heavy narcotic and a blood patch. I got a blood patch Friday after the birth, but by Saturday night the headache returned. I suffered with the headache at home for several days before seeking medical help...a second blood patch. As of now the blood patch is doing the trick.

More pictures to come!!!

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