Sunday, November 1, 2009

Isaac has been taking swim lessons at the YMCA. Saturday was his last class.
Isaac modeling his swim suit...look at that cute belly!!!
Relaxing in the tub after a long stressful day in the life of a nine month old ;-)
Isaac with his first pumpkin.

Halloween was a bit on the soggy side in NY, but Isaac still managed to make it out to see the neighbors and get some treats!!!
Isaac with a treat.Isaac this morning...he found a bottle in his toys that I gave to the little girl that I take care to give to her babydoll...he was cracking up for some reason.

We went to get more apples today...Isaac is getting one more wear out of his costume/

Isaac guarding our apples while to big people make a pit stop.
My cute little puppy.


Laura Ellen said...

So cute.

Laura said...

Your mom showed me the picture of him in the library. Too cute! How long did that Jack-O-Lantern take to carve?!